Get a clear picture of your patient data so you can construct solidly informed community health strategies

  • User Friendly Database
  • Use on Any Device
  • Automated Notifications
  • Risks Identification and Tracking
  • And More!

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    Safe and Secure

    We use all top-of-the-line secure technologies. Our platform is more than just compliant with your State, NEMSIS V3, and HIPAA requirements.

    Why to Choose Unified DataBridge

    Dashboard Reporting

    All the predefined reports you need. No need for customized reporting software.

    Data Warehouse

    Access a database in the cloud where you can connect any third party reporting platform.

    Delivered Reports

    Subscribe to reports to be sent to your email or SMS inbox.

    Ad-Hoc Analytics

    If you find the need to run a custom report, you can do so right in our platform.

    Alert Triggers

    Get notified by email or text message when your trackers observe specified criteria.

    No More Data-Dams

    Never before computation speeds keeps your data and reporting flowing steadily.

    No Servers to Manage

    Our platform works in the secure cloud, no servers to secure and manage.

    Device Security

    Easily Manage which devices can access your account.

    No Installation Necessary

    You don’t need to be an IT expert to start using our platform, simply log in and start using it.

    Easy to Manage

    Admins enjoy a clean and simple interface that is easy to read, find what you need, and manage your account.

    Ease of Use

    It shouldn’t be harder to use and manage your organization’s software than it is to organize a birthday party on social media. Our modern software is lightweight, intuitive, yet powerful.


    A hallmark of our products is the ability of any admin of our platforms to make customizations specific to their agency without having to work with any developers, learn any code, or read extensive manuals.

    Top Level Security

    We utilize the most secure and up-to-date infrastructure in our software.


    Our military-grade solutions and infrastructure have a 99.9% uptime rating.

    Ease of Use

    Use your current single sign-on environment to secure access to our platform.

    Fast to Deploy

    Most of our organizations go live within a matter of days.

    Works on any device

    Our platform works on old PCs, Macs, iPads, Android Tablets, and more.

    Role-based Permissions

    Easily manage your user by assigning them roles.

    Quick to Trial

    Get your hands on a fully functional demo account in hours.

    Android and Apple Mobile Apps

    Use our platform offline with Apple and Google mobile apps

    Industry Leading Customer Service

    Not only is our software easy to learn, but we assign Dedicated Concierge Liaisons to every customer. Our Dedicated Concierge Liaisons are seasoned industry veterans who know your industry and work to maximize your platform.



    Contact Us For Pricing

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    Please fill out our contact form and we will give you a ring ASAP.

      About Us

      We are a fast-growing, innovative software company that focuses on the first responder community. We are currently in 28 states, multiple countries, multiple languages and expanding fast. Since our founding in 2014, we have worked to make software solutions faster, more accessible, easier-to-use, and more data driven. We provide a suite of products that serve EMS, fire departments, and state & federal health departments across the US and abroad.

      Start 30-day trial

      Start your 30-day free trial

      Use our software for 30-days with no commitment! (no payment info required)

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